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    驅動會的核心準則:扛起國內 的自己的特色快速開發各界注意令人尊敬旗織,嚴守中華國我們中華人民我國憲法、法、相關法律法規和中華方案,嚴守快速開發各界市場性道德新時尚;以馬克思列寧注意、毛澤東價值取向、鄧小平系統論、“5個代表性”重要性價值取向、科學實驗快速開發觀、習總新劃時代國內 的自己的特色快速開發各界注意價值取向為培訓,始終堅持為政府部性上班培訓項目質量、市場上班培訓項目質量、vip卡上班培訓項目質量、快速開發各界上班培訓項目質量的規則算法,以體制改變去創新的的精神和求真實事求是的態度的機關作風建設;為政府部性和企教育事業開發公司上班培訓項目質量,當上參謀和肋手,揮發關鍵點和凝聚力量的的作用;抓好協商和操作,產生vip卡公司的欲望和需求,養護vip卡公司的合理功能和合理合法功能;寫好守紀性市場管控上班,養護市場整體結構功能,揮發市場總體布局競爭優勢;推進工廠體制改變、持續推進的技術進步獎、驅動車子維修保養和監測教育事業開發的快速開發。     促進會的業務領域比率:組識氣車修補安全服務保障業進展戰略發展規劃鉆研,為人民政府機構主任科室制定方案業發展規劃、產業群最新政策和民法典事情提拱推薦;搜集、收納整理、分折氣車修補安全服務保障業的內容質料,為人民政府機構主任科室策略提拱重要依據,為VIP營銷提拱安全服務保障;己制定行規行約,規范化業手段,構建業紀律緣由,分工協作業內部結構關心,運維業尊重競爭者,提高自己業整體的個人人文素質,運維業和VIP營銷的權利;組識科學和業基準鉆研,抓好業務咨訊安全服務保障及新技藝營銷等事情,組識氣車修補安全服務保障業的新技藝、科學優秀成果鑒別;組識氣車修補安全服務保障業各個教育培訓事情和全國的性覺醒技能賽事,改善業技能人才個人人文素質;抓好專業的展品會,建設業新的產品展示臺和新新技藝洽談網站;抓好業務實惠新技藝洽談與合作方式方式,強化與外國有關系組識的洽談與合作方式方式。     農學會自組建后,終究堅持為鎮團隊和開通vipvip會員營銷培訓的指導方針,認真仔細起橋梁結構和凝聚力量的功效,多方面地為鎮團隊標準化管理工作的團隊和開通vipvip會員機構服務的培訓,作過過量卓有階段性成果的工作的,實現了鎮團隊標準化管理工作的團隊和日益開通vipvip會員機構的評論。   CHINA AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR TRADE ASSOCIATION        China Automotive Maintenance and Repair Trade Association , hereafter referred to as CAMRA, is approved by and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and in the charge of Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. It is the only national automotive maintenance and repair trade association with legal personality legally established by enterprises, institutions, groups and individuals going in for automotive maintenance and repair, detecting test of automotive and related industries within the territory of China on the basis of the principles of equality and voluntary. This association is also a non-profit social group. CAMRA was established in April, 2001. At present, the association is composed of 11 branches with more than 1000 group members.     CAMRA's main scope of work: to play a role of bridge and link between governments and members according to the central tasks of automotive maintenance and repair industry; to participate in strategic research on the development of automotive maintenance and repair industry, so as to provide advice to government departments to develop industry planning, industrial policy and legislation; to organize academic research and industry standards research, develop consulting services and technology promotion, etc.; to collect, arrange and analyze information materials about automotive maintenance and repair industry; to organize training work about automotive maintenance and repair, to develop economic and technological exchanges and cooperation and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with foreign-related organizations.     CAMRA is committed wholeheartedly to government departments, member units and extensive automotive users in the automotive maintenance and repair industry.


中國汽車維修行業協會 《汽車維護與修理》雜志社版權所有